Hannover-2 vs Erzgebirge Aue Summary
On average Hannover-2 scores 1.1 and concedes 2.1 goals in home matches, while Erzgebirge Aue averagely scores 1.6 and concedes 1.8 goals in away matches.
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Hannover-2 vs Erzgebirge Aue Stats
On average Hannover-2 scores after every 8.3 shots, while Erzgebirge Aue gets averagely 11.4 shots in a game.
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Hannover-2 vs Erzgebirge Aue Lineups
Hannover-2 fielded the below lineup in the last match against Hansa: Wechsel; Matsuda, Arkenberg, Uhlmann, Dominke; Dammeier, Westermeier; Kalem, Chakroun, Stepantsev; Marino
In their last match against 1860 Munchen starting lineup of Erzgebirge Aue was the following: Mannel; Rosenlocher, Vukancic, Nkansah, Fallmann; Loune, Pepic; Sijaric, Tashchy, Jakob; Bar
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