Patro Eisden-Genk-2 Information and Highlights

Belgium flag
Challenger Pro League
Patro Eisden logo
08 Feb,20:00
0 - 0
Not Started
Genk-2 logo
Patro Eisden

Patro Eisden vs Genk-2 Summary

On average Patro Eisden scores 2.4 and concedes 1.2 goals in home matches, while Genk-2 averagely scores 1.1 and concedes 2.1 goals in away matches.
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Match Information
Venue: Patrostadion

Patro Eisden vs Genk-2 Stats

On average Patro Eisden scores after every 6.1 shots, while Genk-2 gets averagely 13.1 shots in a game.
Follow the detailed online statistics for Patro Eisden vs Genk-2 here. Let\'s see how statistics change.

Patro Eisden vs Genk-2 Lineups

Patro Eisden fielded the below lineup in the last match against Francs Borains: Belin; Kis, Borry, Renson, Dijkhuizen; Van Landschoot, Van Eenoo, Wilmots, Sarfo; Bammens, Abid
In their last match against Beveren starting lineup of Genk-2 was the following: Kiaba Brughmans; Youndje, Manguelle, Palacios, Caicedo; Nuozzi, Claes; Lazar, Oyen, Wasinski; Mirisola
Scorestrike will provide all details about Patro Eisden vs Genk-2 match lineups here.

Patro Eisden vs Genk-2 H2H

Belgium Challenger Pro League Standings