Almeria vs Leganes Summary
On average Almeria scores 4 and concedes 1 goals in home matches, while Leganes averagely scores 2 and concedes 1.3 goals in away matches.
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Almeria vs Leganes Stats
On average Almeria scores after every 5 shots, while Leganes gets averagely 7 shots in a game.
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Almeria vs Leganes Lineups
Almeria fielded the below lineup in the last match against Sevilla: Maximiano; Langa, Gonzalez, Radovanovic, Pubill; Melero, Lopy; Suarez, Melamed, Pozo; Milovanovic
In their last match against FC Cartagena starting lineup of Leganes was the following: Soriano; Cruz, Nastasic, Saenz, Gonzalez, Rosier; El Haddadi, Cisse, Brasanac, Raba; Garcia
Scorestrike will provide all details about Almeria vs Leganes match lineups here.