Deportivo Riestra vs Defensa y Justicia Stats
On average Deportivo Riestra scores after every 5.4 shots, while Defensa y Justicia gets averagely 9.7 shots in a game.
Follow the detailed online statistics for Deportivo Riestra vs Defensa y Justicia here. Let's see how statistics change.
Deportivo Riestra vs Defensa y Justicia Lineups
Deportivo Riestra fielded the below lineup in the last match against Tucuman: Arce; Bracamonte, Caro, Paz, Tovo, Sansotre; Sanabria, Monje, Celiz; Herrera, Benegas
In their last match against CA Central Cordoba starting lineup of Defensa y Justicia was the following: Bologna; Soto, Aguilera, Ferreira, Cannavo; Perez, Gutierrez; Togni, Molinas, Gonzalez; Miritello
Scorestrike will provide all details about Deportivo Riestra vs Defensa y Justicia match lineups here.