Kopavogur vs Fylkir Stats
On average HK scores after every 5.8 shots, while Fylkir gets averagely 7.5 shots in a game.
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Kopavogur vs Fylkir Lineups
HK fielded the below lineup in the last match against Vestri: Petersen; Jonsson, Leifsson, Antonsson, Jonsson; Arnarson, Atlason; Fjeldsted, Saebjornsson, Burknason; Jonasson
In their last match against KA Akureyri starting lineup of Fylkir was the following: Helgason; Asthorsson, Jorundsson, Stefansson, Eythorsson; Sveinsson, Praest, Gardarsson, Hafthorsson; Asmundsson, Víkingsson
Scorestrike will provide all details about HK vs Fylkir match lineups here.