Pontevedra vs Getafe Stats
On average Pontevedra scores after every 5.6 shots, while Getafe gets averagely 8.7 shots in a game.
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Pontevedra vs Getafe Lineups
Pontevedra fielded the below lineup in the last match against Mallorca: Vizoso; Hernandez, Gomez, Lopez Pelayo, Fontan; Mayo; Castellano, Yelko, Novo, Dominguez Penin; De Almeida
In their last match against Granada CF starting lineup of Getafe was the following: Letacek; Rico, Duarte, Djene, Iglesias Sanchez; da Costa, Arambarri, Milla, Sola; Rodriguez, Uche
Scorestrike will provide all details about Pontevedra vs Getafe match lineups here.